Kathmandu (RSS):  Arjun Chaulagain has been elected the chairman of the Kathmandu chapter of  General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GeFONT).

The second convention of the organization elected him for a term of three years. The Vice Chairman elected is Dhanendra Mahat, Secretary Raj Kumar Rimal, Assistant

Secretary Nanda Kumari Dhakal and the members are Krishna Gopal Maharjan, Bidur Dani, Urmila Ranabhat, Tirtha Thapa Lama, Sarita Karki and Mahesh Pyakurel.

The Working Committee will nominate members later.GeFONT has some 293 business unit level committees active in Kathmandu district.

GeFONT has been doing homework for making professional organizations for laborers in various  informal sector businesses including for painters, furniture and iron works.

The newly elected Chaulagain said he would play role in heading state system to socialism, by protecting social security including in wages and heath insurance.