3 Sept, Urlabari: The World Bank is expected to invest approximately Rs 20 billion in various development projects in Urlabari Municipality.

The Bank is making this much of investment in strategic projects for the long-term development of the municipality. The investment would come through the Ministry of Urban Development.

Urlabari Municipality is among the four cities in eastern Nepal the Ministry had selected to be developed as the model cities.

The Municipality has proposed 20 different plans under the World Bank financed development projects. The consultant will carry out detailed study of the plans proposed by the municipality and select the three best ones.

According to the Municipality sources, the World Bank will finance minimum of Rs 200 million.

The other cities in which the WB is financing development projects include the Sundar Haraincha Municipality in Morang district, and Damak and Birtamod municipalities in Jhapa district of the east. RSS