12 Dec, Bhaktapur: Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Sherdhan Rai, has said that the government would hold decisive talks immediately for the solution of the current problem in the Tarai-Madhes.

Speaking at the 5th General Assembly of the National Private Association of Boarding School’s Organisation Nepal, Bhaktapur, today, Minister Rai said that solution cannot be reached by creating a humanitarian crisis with the imposition of a border blockade. “Dialogue and discussion are the only alternative to seek a solution of the existing problem”.

Also the Spokesperson of the government, Minister Rai stressed the need of seeking solution of the internal problems facing the country. He said, “The government has put the task of resolving the problems of Madhes in the first priority.”

The Communications Minister said, “We have urged the neighbouring country and Madhes-based political parties to find solution through dialogue.”He stressed the need of resolving the problem by reaching to a conclusion soon as the country’s losses as a result of the border blockade has been greater than the recent earthquake.

The Nepali people would feel change after successfully implementing the two-year action plan put forth by the present government, added Minister Rai. He said that the new constitution was promulgated through consensus and understanding by incorporating sentiments of all.

Minister Rai said, “Promulgating the new constitution through democratic way by the Constituent Assembly incorporating all groups, communities, languages and religions is the achievement of the country.’

Pointing out that it would be better if information technology was linked with education sector for the development of the country, he said that the government was ready to develop the education, which could compete in the world, by making arrangement of e-library.

The Communications Minister said, “A scientific, people-oriented and livelihood education policy should be formulated by revising old curriculum and education policy as well as changing educational structure.”

On the occasion, Byakul Maila, lyrists of the National anthem, and Mahadev Parbate were honoured.

Central Chairman of National PABSON, Karna Bahadur Shahi, Bhaktapur Chairman GB Khadka, District Education officer Dinesh Kumar Shrestha, among others stressed the need of making Bhaktapur an educational destination. RSS