14 March, Kathmandu: The government has urged the main opposition CPN (UML) to help forge consensus on constitution amendment.

During a meeting held at the official residence of the Prime Minister at Baluwatar Monday evening, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal urged the CPN (UML) Chairman, KP Sharma Oli, to be positive on forging consensus at a time when the date for local poll has already been announced and all should be on board.

However, Chairman Oli requested the Prime Minister and Chairman of the CPN (Maoist Centre), Dahal, to focus their attention in election.

Chairman Oli argued that although the PM’s request was positive, the CPN (UML) could not support the constitution amendment proposal.

An understanding was reached between both leaders to continue the discussion, said PM’s Press Advisor, Govinda Acharya.

Chairman Oli returned here today itself for the meeting without attending the mass gathering of Kapilvastu organised under the Mechi-Mahakali campaign his party has launched.

The meeting took place for one-and-half hour where they agreed to take initiatives to give political outlet to country, it is learnt. RSS