11 Dec, Kawasoti (Nawalparasi): Local people affected by various dams constructed by India on the Nepal-India border have decided to internationalise their problems.

They said that India’s act to construct dams on the border, breaching International laws has affected people living in and around the border in various ways. They said that their farmlands are flooded every year due to the dams.

The decision was taken at a two-day workshop at Sunawal of Nawalparasi organised by the affected people.

The affected people also accused the government of failing to take any initiatives in resolving their problems despite their repeated calls, apart from Indian side turning a deaf ear to their problems.

“We have formed a national level struggle committee and we will take up the matter with Nepali and Indian authorities and the United Nations through this committee,” said Dudhnath Gupta, secretary at the Gandak River Control Committee.

Another participant Ram Lakhan Harijan said that the event also decided to hold discussions on economic and physical damages due to the dams, treaties and agreements struck between both Nepali and Indian authorities with regard to the dams and further challenges posed by the dams among others.

Raj Kumar Shukla of the struggle committee said that around 150 bighas of farmlands in Banke are flooded every year due to Laxmanpur dam constructed by India in 1985.

Likewise, Ram Sharan Rabidas of the struggle committee said that around 50,000 local people at eight VDCs of Kapilvastu have been affected due to Mahalisagar dam constructed by India in 1976.

Similarly, concerned authorities said that the proposed 315 meters high Pancheshwor dam would affect surroundings settlements.

Meanwhile, the people who were affected by the Gandak dam are yet to get Rs 2.9 billion India authorities are bound to provide in compensation. RSS