30 August, Kathmandu:

The four major political parties have decided to continue with the constitution drafting process as the disgruntled parties’ demand could be fulfilled within the process.

The meeting of the senior leaders of Nepali Congress, CPN (UML), UCPN (Maoist) and Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (Democratic) have decided to call the disgruntled parties for a dialogue along with the constitution drafting process.

Following the meeting, CPN (UML) leader Madhav Kumar Nepal shared that the meeting held discussions on the constitution drafting process and the Prime Minister’s letter to disgruntled parties for a dialogue. The meeting concluded to recall the Madhesi front for a dialogue as it had denied the first call for the same.

The parties decided to continue the process realizing that any break in the process would obstruct constitution promulgation process.

Similarly, following the meeting, NC Vice-president Ram Chandra Poudel said that they decided to call the Madhesi front for dialogue during seven days of amendment period on the constitution draft as per the Constituent Assembly (CA) regulations.

Discussion on the amended version of the Constitution Bill, 2072 is going on for five days and since the Prime Minister has urged the disgruntled parties to join the process, they should responded to it, he said.

Likewise, UCPN (Maoist) Vice-chair Narayan Kaji Shrestha said that the constitution drafting process continues and the demands of disgruntled parties would be addressed within the process.

Madhesi Janadhikar Forum (Democratic) Chair Bijaya Kumar Gachchhadar said that they won’t accept the constitution bill if it was approved without amendment or minor amendment only.

He added that the issues raised in Terai should be resolved while issuing the new constitution.

Prime Minister and NC President Sushil Koirala, UML chair KP Sharma Oli, UCPN (Maoist) chair Pushpa Kamla Dahal and Forum (Democratic) chair Gachchhadar were present in the meeting. RSS