20 August, Kathmandu:

Speaker Subas Nembang made a ruling that the views and demands expressed during the zero hour by lawmakers should not vanish into ‘zero’ and the government ought to address the demands.

Zero Hour refers to the time allocated to the lawmakers to speak on any issues that the lawmakers think is important, unlike the Special Hour or other sessions.

Making a ruling in today’s Zero Hour at the Legislature-Parliament, Speaker Nembang said, “I have been repeatedly making ruling to the government and the government has also informed the parliament.”

He expressed his confidence that issues raised by the lawmakers during the zero hour would be taken into consideration by the government.

Speaker Nembang argued that some Madhesi leaders luring Madheshi people for money to join in their agitation was against the democratic values and practices.

“I will draw the attention of the Home Minister towards this notion of some Madesh leaders,” said Nembang, informing that he would also issue a directive to the Home Minister to inform the parliament on the same.

The lawmakers who attended the zero hour meeting demanded for a separate parliamentary committee to oversee the implementation of the demands put forth by the lawmakers in the zero hour.

They have also drawn the attention of the government towards expediting the pending flyovers construction task, providing relief materials to landslide victims, including those of Kaski district.

Need of introducing a new relief operation for the earthquake-victims was also brought into the notice of the government during the zero hour.

Lawmakers have also urged the government to take action against the political party leaders who were fixing price on human life by luring public into their agitation.

Lawmakers Sita Nepali, Sita Giri Oli, Saraswati Bajamiya, surendra Jaiswal and Sakaldev Sutmiya among others put forther their views and demands in today’s zero hour. RSS